
      • Environmental Management

      • Climate Change

      • Sustainable use of resources (for Forestry and Recycling businesses)

      • Water Resources

      • Biodiversity

      • Prevention of Pollution


      • Supply Chain Management

      • Respect for Human Rights

      • Talent Management

      • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 

      • Health and Productivity Management

      • Health & Safety

      • Customer Responsibility

      • Social Contribution Activities   


      • Corporate Governance

      • Group Governance

      • Compliance

      • Risk Management 

      • Informtion Security

      • Internal Control

      I. Basic Policy
      The Sumitomo Corporation Group recognizes that environmental issues are global in scale and that they are long-range concerns affecting future generations. As a global organization, the Sumitomo Corporation Group, through sound business activities, will strive to achieve sustainable development aimed at both social and economic progress and environmental preservation.
      II. Basic Guidelines
      In pursuing its diversified business activities both within Japan and overseas, the Sumitomo Corporation Group shall comply with the following guidelines, and, through cooperation between its Group companies, work to achieve the aims of its environmental Basic Policy.
      1. Basic stance with regard to the environment:
      To place great importance on protecting the global environment as a good corporate citizen in accordance with the Sumitomo Corporation's Activity Guidelines.

      2. Compliance with environmental legislation:
      To strictly observe legislation related to environmental matters not only in Japan but also overseas, and to abide by any agreements made.

      3. Caring for the natural environment:
      To place great importance on preserving the environment, including the natural ecosystem and biodiversity.

      4. Response to climate change:
      To place great importance on mitigating climate change and adapting to its impact.

      5. Efficient use of resources and energy:
      To be mindful of the finite availability of resources and energy and strive to use them both efficiently and effectively.

      6. Contributing to the building of a recycling-oriented society:
      To endeavor to help build a recycling-oriented society by reducing waste and reusing and recycling resources.

      7. Promotion of businesses that contribute to environmental preservation:
      To utilize our integrated corporate strength to promote businesses and projects, which contribute to environmental preservation and reduction of the impact of society on the natural environment.

      8. Establishment of environmental management:
      To use an environmental management system to prevent environmental pollution and set environmental objectives and targets which are regularly reviewed and continuously upgraded.

      9. Disclosure of the environmental policy:
      To communicate this Environmental Policy to all people who are working for or on behalf of the Sumitomo Corporation Group, as well as disclosing it externally.

      Sumitomo Corporation Group Environmental Policy

      Throughout its 400-year history, the Sumitomo Group has pursued industrial development in harmony with local communities and the natural environment. Based on this foundation, the Sumitomo Corporation Group pursues business activities in such a way as to promote environmental conservation. Recognizing that various initiatives such as creating a low-carbon society that alleviates climate change, preserving biodiversity and the global environment, using energy, water and resources sustainably, preventing pollution and controlling waste emissions are the most important and long-term concerns that all individuals and organizations must address, we have established our Environmental Policy as detailed below.
      Sharing this policy, Sumitomo Corporation Group companies are committed to reducing the environmental impacts of their business activities as well as to improving the environment through their business activities, based on the ISO 14001 environment management system.

      Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Human Rights Policy

      1.  Scope of application
      Sumitomo Corporation endeavors to ensure that all executives and employees within its group fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights. In addition, we encourage our suppliers and business partners to accept, understand and practice this policy so that we can work together to fulfill our social responsibilities, including respect for human rights in the relevant value chain.

      2.  Human rights due diligence
      Sumitomo Corporation strives to identify and to prevent or mitigate any adverse impact on human rights through the application of human rights due diligence processes. Where we identify that our group’s practices have caused or contributed to an adverse impact on human rights, we will endeavor to take appropriate remedial measures.

      3.  Compliance with relevant laws
      Sumitomo Corporation will comply with national and regional laws and regulations applicable to its group operations. When those laws and regulations are incompatible with internationally recognized human rights, we will seek to employ measures to respect international human rights norms.

      4.  Stakeholder engagement
      Sumitomo Corporation will seek to improve and progress human rights measures through engagement and dialogue with relevant stakeholders.

      5.  Education
      Sumitomo Corporation will appropriately educate its executives and employees within its group in order to ensure that this human rights policy is understood and implemented effectively.

      6.  Reporting
      Sumitomo Corporation will disclose appropriate information regarding its efforts to respect human rights.
      Established in May 2020
      Sumitomo Corporation declares in its management principles that it aims to be a global organization that contributes broadly to society and places prime importance on utmost respect for the individual. We will respect human rights to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, and pursue sustainable growth with society.

      Sumitomo Corporation became a signatory in 2009 to the “Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact”, which advocates for values common to its own management principles, including those regarding human rights and labor. We also respect the “International Bill of Human Rights” and the International Labor Organization’s “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”, and we operate in accordance with the “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”.
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